Monday, November 24, 2008

Animal Cracker Research-Style and Mood

I just loved this illustrative styles of animals...

There is a comic strip actually called "Animal Crackers"

animal cracker movie clip

Animal Cracker Research-Competition

Stauffer's Animal Crackers:

Gourmet Hand Painted Animal Cookies:
Barnum's Animal Crackers:

Do-it-your-self Animal Cracker kits:

Critical analysis/Creative Rationale - Animal Crackers

Product: Animal Crackers, Gourmet.

Initial thinking and emotions: These are animal shaped serious can they be? They should be fun to eat. Kids want to eat them, moms don't mind because they are a healthier option than cookies. Gourmet Animal Crackers could be marketed to an entirely different clientele. Perhaps one that is potty trained?

Target Market: 25-35 trendy people. Who like to throw cocktail parties.

Winning Attributes that set this product apart are: These aren't ordinary animal crackers, these are Gourmet Animal Crackers. They are sophisticated but fun at the same time!

Key Challenges. Barriers to Buying in: "Animal Crackers are for children not adults". "They don't have a sophisticated taste". You can't put any topping on it. ei) cheese, pate ect.

Project Goals: Market to an older audience, rather than children. Position Gourmet Animal Crackers as a must have at any cocktail party to lighten the mood. Have some fun again, like when you used to play with your food. Only this time mom won't get mad at you for doing so. The package design should look 'gourmet' but also be a little quirky and fun.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More fountains!!

If this is going to work we definitely need more water fountains around town. They should be in places we might not expect. Urban places like downtown on the side of a building. The trick is these fountains have to be absolutely beautiful and pristine to look at. It can't just be a hose spouting out of a concrete building.
Some examples of this are: 

Imagine this as a drinking fountain on a hot summer day, after you've just done a 5k. This sends the message our water is so clean it's like purified water. I thought of a glacier mountain fountain with this concept as well.

I just loved how organic this looked. Like you're drinking right from a glacier stream. This would be great up on the Grouse Grind.

Gorilla Campaign- Idea #2

The 'Bottled' Fountain

At first glance these look like thirst quenching filtered water taps. If you're on a jog or simply walking your dog, you definitely would stop at one of these for a sip. The catch is once you get closer and read the label you discover this is actually Vancouver Municipal Tap water. This also shows the ridiculous fact that companies like Dasani and Aquafina are selling us our own tap water at a 500 times mark-up! 

The label would read something like this:
"25% of bottled water is just filtered tap water. Vancouver's tap water is some of the cleanest drinking water in the world. Boycott the Bottle"