Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Adventures of Orange Hero

This is a sort of "choose your own adventure" style website. The narrative would take teens through a journey were Orange Hero fights off the evil Candyman and his crew of fat, lazy, high blood-pressure-Junkies. This all takes place in an imaginary world of Orangeville.

Orange hero (insert better name later) is a cool guy or girl that uses the power of orange to fight evil. 

Orange Hero has a crew to help out, he chooses "healthy" teens that live an active life style to help him in his quest to save us from the over weight and un-healthy Candyman. The user will be asked to make a choice at certain points in the site. So they are in control of the outcome. 

Orange Hero will be able to gain strength by picking up "orange potions". These are Vitamin-C power boosts. And when he/she fights the enemy, their blood sugar levels will go down. Think of Street Fighter, when at the bottom of the screen you can see the "life lines" going up and down when fighting.

The over-all aesthetic of the site can't be too childish looking. I don't want this to feel like a comic book or cartoon. More of a SinCity feel. Dirty, grimmy city with only one hope....Orange Man...or Hero....what ever.

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